Promises, Promises

Hello, Internet.

So we meet again. This time, I’m back making promises to myself, and to the world in general. So is most everyone else… However, unlike everyone else I spent my day working, grocery shopping, re-inventing myself via blog, and deciding in what new creative ways can I torture myself for a few weeks? I say a few week because I have yet to survive a resolution for a whole year.

But I’m back, kicking up the blogging again, trying hard to hold myself accountable… (and well, maybe anything Garen can do, I can do better)… but it’s totally about holding myself accountable… That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Anyways…

So it’s that time of year where I am supposed to make a few resolutions and try hard to stick to them. I do realize that most resolutions fail, but even if I try for a few months, at least I succeeded that much… it’s more than I can say for myself most days. So here’s the short list:

  1. Survive all 365 days. I mean this literally. Keep breathing, heart beating… I’m not trying to be melodramatic here… as I said before, I haven’t achieved a New Year’s resolution yet… so let’s start off with an easy one. It is an easy one, right? Watch, now I’m gonna get hit by a bus or something. Death by hairbrush or something moronic.
  2. I will participate in the Zero to Hero:30 Days to a Better Blog challenge. It’s a short, reasonable goal, and I think I can keep it. Why this one? I dunno, it looked like a good jumping point for starting over on a blog.
  3. I will quit smoking. Ok, that’s only a half truth. I plan to give up traditional smoking. I did however, invest in an E-Cig that I hope will help me get in the right direction. I know that this goal is a tough one, and it’s not very often kept, but I’m gonna try anyways.
  4. I will lose weight. That’s right, here’s the torture part I spoke of earlier. Losing weight is not torture by itself… but trying to quit smoking AND lose weight at the same time??? That seems like failure waiting to happen right? Well, maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. I’m not going to set hard goals on this one as far as long-term numbers… no 100 lbs in a year kind of thing. Nope, I’m gonna aim for 20 lbs by April 1st. If I make it, great, if I don’t, I’ll reset that goal. I suppose I should have named this goal “Move More, Eat Less” but Lose weight seems more solid. I’ll see how it goes.

So there you have it, two typical goals, one blogger goal, and one that I had better keep if I know what’s good for me. How about you? Share your goals in the comments, maybe I’ll change mine around if yours is better.